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10 Casual Style Tips for Guys Who Want to Look Sharp (PART 2)


6. Learn to Love Layering

Want to know an easy way to make a dull outfit more interesting?

Add a layer.

Many guys feel a bit intimidated by layering because they don’t really know how to match clothes all that well. But you don’t have to know all that much about it. It can be done with very simple clothes too.

Imagine a guy wearing a plain grey sweater and jeans. Nothing wrong with that. It’s a fine casual outfit.

But still, it’s not that interesting.

Now imagine him wearing a simple white shirt underneath his sweater. Boom. Instantly more interesting.



It’s a simple fix, and hardly earth-shattering, but it just gives that bit more detail to the outfit that makes it more visually appealing.

7. Smarter Yourself Up

Okay, so you don’t have to suit up to dress well, but that doesn’t mean you can’t smarten your casual look up a bit.

Few guys are comfortable enough to leave their casual comfort zone, but consider venturing into the world of “smart-casual” with a good-looking blazer.

It will give you an easy way to smarten even your simplest outfits up a bit…

Plain white tee? Add a blazer, and suddenly you look pretty damn sharp.


Hey it’s me, looking broody and buttoning my jacket. (I so wasn’t posing for this one.)

8. Decorate Your Wrists

Accessories are another good way to spruce up a dull outfit.

And I suggest you get in the habit of wearing a wrist-accessory first.

Why the wrist?

Because naked wrists are boring.

You can wear a watch, a leather bracelet, or both. Doesn’t matter what you wear, but wear something on there. It just gives your outfit a bit more personality.

You’re saying, “I don’t have to wear this, but I like wearing it.”

You go from someone who clothes himself to stay warm to someone who clothes himself with intention.

9. Ignore the Fashion World

When trying to figure out how to dress well, men often look towards the fashion world for help. They look to see what’s trendy.

But the fashion world is only good for guys obsessed with fashion. If you’re just a regular guy looking to become a better dresser, knowing what’s trendy won’t help you.

In fact, you should do the opposite…


These aren’t great looks for the everyday dude.

Focus on getting classic clothes that will look good all year round. Focus on timeless pieces that will still be stylish ten years from now. Focus on looking classy and stylish before you worry about looking trendy.

Trendy done wrong often turns out tacky, after all.

So work on your style sense with timeless wardrobe essentials that never go out of fashion. Focus on mastering the basics of men’s style, and you’ll be a better dresser before you know it.

10. Stop Trying Too Hard

Many guys shoot themselves in the foot by trying too hard to dress better.

It results in them looking like jackasses.

They hear they should wear accessories, and they end up wearing a gazillion bracelets and necklaces. Or they hear they should wear color and they end up looking like a bag of skittles with legs.

Of course, I only know that because I’ve been one of those guys (and it wasn’t pretty).

You stand out, but not in the way you want.

Shoot for subtle, simple, understated outfits and you’ll stand out in a good way instead.

Dress Well and Look like a More Polished, Masculine You

You just got 10 casual style tips that should help you dress better. Plenty more where that came from, but these should be enough to get you started.

So go on and start.

Doesn’t matter where.

Whether you start with replacing your graphic tees, getting nicer shoes or decorating your wrists. Just start somewhere.

And after you took that first step, take the next, and the next, and the next.

And before you know it, you’ll look in the mirror, and you’ll see a guy looking back who looks just like you, except…


A better-dressed version of you.

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